Poetry corner


-23rd October 2024

Growing up I wanted to be
A successful woman, a leading light.
My mother’s words rung again,
“Don’t be shackled like me”.
Her words sharp but bright,
Often rid of my impulses free rein

I chased my dreams with fierce intent,
And broke the chains that she’d secured.
I rose up, a phoenix bent,
On shattering the glass that she’d endured.
My path unwinding, a journey mine,
I danced with freedom, no longer confined.

But now I look back on her face,
And see the strength in her steady gaze.
A woman bound by circumstance and time,
Yet still she whispered “fly, my child, be free in your prime”.
I realized then, with a newfound sight,
Her words were not a warning, but a guiding light.